

What should I do if the hair clipper cutter head becomes dull?

A sharp and fast hair cutter is vital for a hairstylist, but as it gets used over time, it is inevitable that the blade will become dull. The accumulation of hair debris and prolonged use may cause the cutter head to become dull. If you find that the head of your electric shears has become dull, simply spend some time resharpening them.

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There are several different types of sharpening tools available for the blades of electric hair clipper. The most common type is a handheld sharpener, which consists of a sharpening stone or file attached to the handle. These sharpeners are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, and they are a good choice for those new to sharpening.

Another type of knife sharpening tool is the electric sharpener. These sharpeners are more expensive than hand-held sharpeners, but they are easier and faster to use, and electric sharpeners tend to last longer than hand-held sharpeners, so they are a good choice if you plan to do a lot of blade sharpening.

The last type of sharpening tool is a honing rod. Made of steel, honing rods have a very fine surface that helps realign the edge of the blade as you sharpen it. This helps keep your blades sharper for longer. Honing rods can be used with handheld and electric sharpeners. 

A few tips, when your blade starts pulling hair, it means your hair clipper should be sharpening! 

*Hjbarbers provides professional hairdressing products (professional hair clippers, razors, scissors, hair dryer, hair straightener). If you are interested in our products, you can directly contact us at, WhatsApp:+84 0328241471, Ins:hjbarbers Twitter:@hjbarbers2022 Line:hjbarbers, we will provide you with professional service and after-sales service.

Post time: Feb-20-2023